Publikationen des Lehrstuhls
PD Dr. Martin Gross
The Influence of Age on Citizens’ Preferences for Age‐Related Descriptive Representation -
Dr. Radu-Mihai Triculescu
Assessing the Common European Asylum System - Discretionary implementation and street-level bureaucracy -
Dr. Lucas Schramm
Crises of European Integration - Joining Together or Falling Apart? -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
Equitability or proportionality? Local-level portfolio allocation in Germany -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
Electoral Campaigns and Parliamentary Practice: Do Parties Pursue the Issues They Campaigned On? -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
The Impact of Institutional and Financial Constraints on Party Behaviour in Local Politics -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
The impact of occupational background on issue representation -
Prof. Dr. Klaus H. Goetz
The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
Under pressure? How regional dominant parties shift their EU positions when challenged by Euroskeptic parties -
Prof. Dr. Klaus H. Goetz
Time, Politics, and Political Science -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
Die Koalitionen, Koalitionsbildungsprozesse und Landesregierungen des Saarlands -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
Do voters want their parties to be office- or policy-seekers in coalition negotiations? -
PD Dr. Martin Gross
Navigating complexity: exploring the changing dynamics of coalition avoidance in Germany, 1946–2023 -
Prof. Dr. Klaus H. Goetz
Money and Time - Budgeting and Resourcing in International Public Administrations