Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft (GSI)




How Can We Monitor the Global Armament? Analyzing Data on Arms Transfers, Military Spending and Arms Industry


As war is back in Europe and tensions grow in the Indo-Pacific, it has become even more crucial to accurately monitor global trends in military build-ups. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) provides publicly available resources for students and researchers interested in armament trends. This is mainly through the provision of three global-leading open access databases:

  • the Arms Transfers Database
  • the Military Expenditure Database 
  • the Arms Industry Database.

Each of these are updated annually by SIPRI researchers, who will introduce these databases and present the trends that SIPRI researchers observed in the latest data releases.:

  • Siemon T. Wezeman: Senior Researcher beim SIPRI Arms Transfers Program.
  • Nan Tian: Senior Researcher beim SIPRI Military Expenditure and Arms Production Program.
  • Lucie Béraud-Sudreau: leitet beim Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) das Military Expenditure and Arms Production Program.

Ort und Anmeldung

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