Unsere Forschung konzentriert sich auf die internationale und vergleichende öffentliche Politik, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf der politischen Ökonomie. Wir untersuchen die Beziehungen zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik und befassen uns mit Themen wie Besteuerung, Umwelt, Klimawandel, Gender, Sozialpolitik, Handel und der Geopolitisierung von Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Nachstehend finden Sie eine Liste unserer jüngsten Veröffentlichungen, geordnet nach Forschungsbereichen.
- Bastiaens, I., & Seelkopf, L. (2024). Aid for taxation and representation? The effect of foreign tax assistance on democracy in the Global South. Journal of International Relations and Development.
- Weiß, J., & Parth, A.-M. (2022). The democratic lessons learned—How experiences of (un-)equal treatment in school influence satisfaction with democracy in later life. Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft, 33, 29–46.
- Tosun, J., Parth, A.-M., & Langer, A. (2022). Work values and their effects on individuals’ willingness to take action. In Jahrbuch für Handlungs-und Entscheidungstheorie (pp. 29–48). Springer VS.
- Seelkopf, L., & Lierse, H. (2020). Democracy and the global spread of progressive taxes. Global Social Policy, 20(2), 165–191.
- Genschel, P., Lierse, H., & Seelkopf, L. (2016). Dictators don’t compete: Autocracy, democracy, and tax competition. Review of International Political Economy, 23(2), 290–315.
Environmental Policy
- Genschel, P., Limberg, J., & Seelkopf, L. (2024). The climate crisis, policy distraction and support for fuel taxation. European Journal of Political Research, 1475-6765.12687.
- Vogeler, C., & Parth, A.-M. (2024). An elephant in the room? Explaining agenda-setting in antimicrobial resistance policies in 30 European countries. Social Science & Medicine, 117164.
- Parth, A.-M. (2024). The relationship between work-family policies and pro-environmental behaviour of single mothers as economically disadvantaged group. Environmental Sociology, 10(3), 333–345.
- Parth, A.-M., & Vlandas, T. (2022). The welfare state and support for environmental action in Europe. Journal of European Social Policy, 32(5), 531–547.
- Parth, A.-M., Weiß, J., Firat, R., & Eberhardt, M. (2020). “How dare you!”—The influence of Fridays for future on the political attitudes of young adults. Frontiers in Political Science, 2, 611139.
- Seelkopf, L. (2024). Im Schneckentempo zu mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit im Steuersystem. Ifo Schnelldienst: Gender Gaps –Reformoptionen Der (Steuer-)Politik, 77(08).
- Parth, A.-M. (2022). Backlash by Men against the Socio-Economic and Political Promotion of Women in Europe. Social Sciences, 11(10), 428.
- Seelkopf, L. (2021b). Taxation and gender. In L. Hakelberg & L. Seelkopf (Eds.), Handbook on the Politics of Taxation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Seelkopf, L. (2021a). Steuern und Geschlecht. Oder warum Viagra ein Grundbedürfnis ist, Tampons aber nicht (Taxes and Gender). Steuerpolitik-Serie Im DVPW-Blog.
Policy Making
- Kuenzler, J., Vogeler, C., Parth, A.-M., & Gohl, T. (2024). Exploring the eternal struggle: The Narrative Policy Framework and status quo versus policy change. Policy Sciences.
- Seelkopf, L., & Haffert, L. (2024). Breaking with Orthodoxy? German Fiscal Policy in the Shadow of Covid-19. German Politics, 33(2), 297–317.
- Parth, A.-M., & Weiß, J. (2023). Hört beim Geld die transnationale Freundschaft auf? Solidarität in der Finanz-, Migrations-und Coronakrise. In Deutschland und Europa im Umbruch: Einstellungen, Verhalten und Forschungsperspektiven im Kontext der Bundestagswahl 2017 und der Europawahl 2019. Springer VS.
- Parth, A.-M., & Nyby, J. (2022). Welfare experiments as tools for evidence-based policy making? The political debate on Twitter about the basic income trial in Finland. Policy Studies, 43(4), 772–790.
- Haffert, L., & Seelkopf, L. (2022). Corona und das Ende der deutschen Fiskalorthodoxie? In R. Zohlnhöfer & F. Engler (Eds.), Das Ende der Merkel-Jahre (pp. 191–214). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Leibfried, S., Huber, E., Lange, M., Levy, J. D., Stephens, J. D., Genschel, P., & Seelkopf, L. (2015). The Competition State. In S. Leibfried, E. Huber, M. Lange, J. D. Levy, & J. D. Stephens (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State. Oxford University Press.
Social Policy
- Cortina-Escudero, M. (2023). The Development of Social Policy in Latin America: A Comparative Case Study between Argentina and Mexico. University Bremen.
- Cortina-Escudero, M. (2022). Trade and Immigration: How International Factors Shaped Social Policy in Argentina. In International Impacts on Social Policy. Global Dynamics of Social Policy.
- Lierse, H., & Seelkopf, L. (2022). Left by the left? The politics of poverty alleviation. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 38(3), 223–240.
- Obinger, H., Schmitt, C., & Seelkopf, L. (2022). Mass warfare and the development of the modern welfare state: An analysis of the western world, 1914–1950. In International impacts on social policy: Short histories in global perspective (pp. 21–34). Springer International Publishing Cham.
- Seelkopf, L., & Starke, P. (2019). Social Policy by Other Means: Theorizing Unconventional Forms of Welfare Production. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 21(3), 219–234.
- Grünewald, A., & Seelkopf, L. (2016). Auslaufmodell oder Erfolgsgeschichte? Soziale Sicherung in globaler Perspektive. Zeitschrift Für Sozialreform, 62(2), 111–130.
- Schmitt, C., Lierse, H., Obinger, H., & Seelkopf, L. (2015). The Global Emergence of Social Protection: Explaining Social Security Legislation 1820–2013. Politics & Society, 43(4), 503–524.
- Genschel, P., Limberg, J., & Seelkopf, L. (2024). Revenue, Redistribution, and the Rise and Fall of Inheritance Taxation. Comparative Political Studies, 57(9), 1475–1505.
- Seelkopf, L. (2023b). Tax Policy. In M. Van Gerven, C. Rothmayr Allison, & K. Schubert (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Policy (pp. 1–5). Springer International Publishing.
- Seelkopf, L. (2023a). Das Steuersystem als Instrument des Kampfes gegen Armut. Politikum, 9(1), 38–45.
- Limberg, J., & Seelkopf, L. (2022). The historical origins of wealth taxation. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(5), 670–688.
- Seelkopf, L., & Bastiaens, I. (2020). Achieving sustainable development goal 17? An empirical investigation of the effectiveness of aid given to boost developing countries’ tax revenue and capacity. International Studies Quarterly, 64(4), 991–1004.
- Genschel, P., & Seelkopf, L. (2020). Globalization and Tax Policy. In D. A. Bearfield, E. Berman, & M. J. Dubnick (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Third Edition (0 ed., pp. 1–7). Routledge.
- Seelkopf, L., Bubek, M., Eihmanis, E., Ganderson, J., Limberg, J., Mnaili, Y., Zuluaga, P., & Genschel, P. (2021). The rise of modern taxation: A new comprehensive dataset of tax introductions worldwide. The Review of International Organizations, 16(1), 239–263.
- Genschel, P., & Seelkopf, L. (2016a). Did they learn to tax? Taxation trends outside the OECD. Review of International Political Economy, 23(2), 316–344.
- Genschel, P., & Seelkopf, L. (2016b). Winners and Losers of Tax Competition. In P. Dietsch & T. Rixen (Eds.), Global tax governance: What is wrong with it and how to fix it (pp. 55–76). ECPR Press.
- Brockmann, H., Genschel, P., & Seelkopf, L. (2016). Happy taxation: Increasing tax compliance through positive rewards? Journal of Public Policy, 36(3), 381–406.
- Seelkopf, L. (2014). Tax Competition and National Welfare. In W. Ötsch, L. Bräutigam, G. Grözinger, & K. M. Beyer (Eds.), The political economy of offshore jurisdictions (pp. 27–38). Metropolis-Verl.
- Seelkopf, L. (2013). Book Review: Appel, Hilary. Tax Politics in Eastern Europe: Globalization, Regional Integration and the Democratic Compromise. EUSA Review, 26(2), 18–19.