Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft (GSI)




NMUN 2020: Three "Position Paper Awards" for LMU Team


The Model United Nations-team of LMU Munich has received three prestigious position paper awards from the host organization of NMUN. Unfortunately, NMUN 2020 was cancelled due to the current crisis related to Covid-19.

Our Assignment 2020: Namibia

Unfortunately, NMUN 2020 (New York City) was cancelled due to the current crisis related to Covid-19. Nevertheless, LMU Munich is honored by the three "Position Paper Awards" that NMUN, the hosting organization, awarded to our project-seminar representing the Republic of Namibia. This recognition shows that although sadly this year no conference could take place, our preparations were indeed fruitful. Embarking on a journey to engage with yet another inspiring and interesting country, we are thankful that our team was able to deepen its understanding of global, African and Namibian politics. It was an experience both chalenging and rewarding. We will, of course, continue to do our best to "hold high the banner of liberty", as the national anthem of Namibia states.

The main objective of NMUN is to deal openly and in an unbiased manner with the positions of other countries and cultures, to understand the complex nature of international affairs, and to understand and solve negotiations with professional sensitivity and diplomatic conduct. Delegations from LMU Munich have been participating at New York’s NMUN Conference since 1987.

NMUN 2021

Finally, let’s not forget NMUN 2021 is in the planning! If the dynamic situation created by Covid-19 allows it, LMU Munich will send a delegation to NMUN 2021 in New York City. Hence, we have tantatively started preparing for the year to come. If you’re a student at LMU Munich and interested in participating, you’re welcome to apply. Prospective delegates will have to pass an entry exam. Due to Covid-19, we will adapt our application process. Once we have settlted with an alternative application process, we will let you know.

For more information please check with our website as well as the website of LMU‘s political science department.

The Project: Modelling the UN

In 2019, the project-seminar, which is part of LMU’s Geschwister-Scholl-Institute of Political Science, was proud to send a delegation representing the State of Israel to this year’s NMUN-conference, which took place from the 24th to the 28th of March. In this competitive simulation with almost 5.500 participating students from more than 400 different institutions, including renowned universities from all over the globe, the team was able to impress on the highest level – similar to the years before, when our delegation was awarded for its “outstanding” work representing Israel (2019), Brazil (2018), India (2017), France (2016), Belarus (2015), China (2014), Qatar (2013), Russia (2011), and the UAE (2010).


NMUN 2019: LMU Munich representing the State of Israel.

Our Assignment 2019: Israel

During the four-day conference, delegates held formal speeches, negotiated compromises, and drafted and passed resolutions – always bearing in mind the interests of our country assignment, the State of Israel . NMUN recognizes different kinds of awards: overall delegations’ performances during the simulation, position paper awards in each committee, and peer-awards based on individual delegates’ behavior. This year, our delegation was honored with seven “outstanding” awards, making it one of the conference’s best teams as well as the delegation with most awards from Germany. Our delegates received four outstanding “position paper” awards, two outstanding “delegates in committee” awards as well as the award for an overall “outstanding delegation”. Given the sometimes troublesome relationship between the UN and the State of Israel, this success is particularly noteworthy.


NMUN 2019: The delegation of LMU held a meeting with diplomats Michael Baror and Noam Bar-Lev (Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN) at the German House in NYC.
