Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft (GSI)




Aktuelle Publikationen des Lehrstuhls

Ausgewählte Publikationen:

  • Bhattacharya, C. B., Sankar Sen, Laura Marie Edinger-Schons und Michael Neureiter (2022): Corporate Purpose and Employee Sustainability Behaviors. Online First: Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Bolleyer, Nicole und Patricia Correa (2021): Advocacy in European Civil Societies: Organizational Trade-offs Between Selective and Collective Incentive Provision. Online First: Social Forces.
  • Bolleyer, Nicole (2021): Civil society, crisis exposure and resistance strategies. In: Sajó, András, Renáta Uitz und Stephen Holmes (Hrsg.): Routledge Handbook of Illiberalism. New York: Routledge: 939-956.
  • Schroeder, Philipp und Johan Lindholm (2021): From One to Many: Identifying Issues in CJEU Jurisprudence. Online First: Journal of Law and Courts.
  • Neureiter, Michael (2021): The Effect of Immigrant Integration Policies on Public Immigration Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the United Kingdom. Online First: International Migration Review.
  • Braun, Daniela (2021): Transnationale Parteibewegungen als Ausweg aus der EU-Mehrebenenproblematik. Eine empirische Analyse von Volt und DiEM25 bei den Europawahlen 2019. In: Bukow, Sebastian, Uwe Jun und Jörg Siegmund (Hrsg.): Parteien in Bewegung. Baden-Baden: Nomos: 167-189.
  • Daniela Braun und Edgar Grande (2021): Europapolitik als Konfliktthema. Der Schlüssel liegt bei den Mainstream- Parteien. WZB-Mitteilungen 172: 24-26.
  • Katsanidou, Alexia, Ann-Kathrin Reinl and Christina Eder (2021): "Together we stand: Transnational solidarity in the EU in times of crises." Online first: European Union Politics.
  • Reinl, Ann-Kathrin and Geoffrey Evans (2021): “The Brexit learning effect? Brexit negotiations and attitudes towards leaving the EU beyond the UK”. Online first: Political Research Exchange.
  • Bolleyer, Nicole and Orsolya Salát (2021): “Parliaments in times of crisis: COVID-19, populism and executive dominance”. Online first: West European Politics.
  • Ackermann, Kathrin, Daniela Braun, Fatke, Matthias and Nayla Fawzi (2021): “Direct democracy and populist attitudes in the German Bundesländer”. Online first: Journal of Regional and Federal Studies.
  • Alarian, Hannah M. and Michael Neureiter (2021). "Values or origin? Mandatory immigrant integration and immigration attitudes in Europe". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (5): 1006-1027.
  • Bolleyer, Nicole (2021): “Civil Society – Politically engaged or Member-serving? A Governance Perspective”. Online First: European Union Politics.
  • Braun, Daniela (2021): "The Europeanness of the 2019 EP elections". Online first: Politics.
  • Braun, Daniela und Edgar Grande (2021): "The politicization of elections to the European Parliament. The crucial role of mainstream political parties". Online first: Journal of Common Market Studies.
  • Finkel, Steven, John McCauley, Michael Neureiter and Chris Belasco (2021). "Community Violence and Support for Violent Extremism: Evidence From the Sahel". Political Psychology 42 (1): 143-161. 
  • Fumarola, Andrea (2021). "Making the government accountable: rethinking immigration as an issue in the European Union". European Politics and Society 22 (1): 140-159.
  • Fumarola, Andrea (2021). "‘The ‘Sanction-Policy’ Linkage from the Perspective of Citizens and the Role of the Party System". Acta Politica 56: 181-204.
  • Katsanidou, Alerxia and Ann-Kathrin Reinl (2021). "Public support for the European solidarity deal in EU debtor states: the case of Greece". Online first: Journal of European Integration
  • McCauley, John, Steven Finkel, Michael Neureiter and Christoph Belasco (2021). "The grapevine effect in sensitive data collection: examining response patterns in support for violent extremism". Online first: Political Science Research Methods.
  • Neureiter, Michael and C.B. Bhattacharya (2021). "Why Do Boycotts Sometimes Increase Sales? Consumer Activism in the Age of Political Polarization". Online first: Business Horizon.
  • Reinl, Ann-Kathrin and Heiko Giebler (2021): "Transnational solidarity among political elites: what determines support for financial redistribution within the EU in times of crisis?" Online first: European Political Science Review.
  • Schäfer, Constantin, Sebastian A. Popa, Braun, Daniela und Hermann Schmitt (2021): "The Reshaping of Political Conflict over Europe: From Pre-Maastricht to Post-Euro-Crisis". West European Politics 44 (3): 531-557.
  • Bolleyer, Nicole (2020): “State Funding Pressure in Interest Groups, Political Parties and Serviceoriented Membership Organizations”. Online first: West European Politics.
  • Bolleyer, Nicole and Patricia Correa (2020): “Member Influence and Involvement in Civil Society Organizations: A Resource Dependency Perspective on Groups and Parties”. Online first: Political Studies.
  • Braun, Daniela and Hermann Schmitt (2020): "Different emphases, same positions? The election manifestos of political parties in the EU multi-level electoral system compared". Party Politics 26 (5): 640–650.
  • Braun, Daniela, Martin Gross and Berthold Rittberger (2020): "Political behaviour in the EU multi-level system". Politics and Governance 8 (1): 1-5.
  • Braun, Daniela und Markus Tausendpfund (2020): "Electoral behaviour in a European Union under stress". Politics and Governance 8 (1): 28-40.
  • Braun, Daniela (2020): Die neunten Direktwahlen zum Europäischen Parlament. Eine erste Analyse aus politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. In Schiffauer, Peter (Hrsg.): "Europa bedroht von innen und von außen? Erträge des Symposiums des Dimitris-Tsatsos-Instituts für Europäische Verfassungswissenschaften am 14. Und 15. Juni 2019 an der Fern Universität in Hagen". Berlin, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag: 17-34.
  • Braun, Daniela (2020): Inhaltsanalyse. In Tausendpfund, Markus (Hrsg.): "Quantitative Analyseverfahren der Sozialwissenschaften". Wiesbaden, Springer VS: 301-334.
  • Braun, Daniela, Sebastian A. Popa und Hermann Schmitt (2020): The impact of Eurosceptic challenger parties of the left and right on party competition over Europe. In Cotta, Maurizio und Pierangelo Isernia (Hrsg.): "The EU through multiple crises: representation and cohesion dilemmas for a “sui generis” polity". London, Routledge: 45-73.
  • Fumarola, Andrea (2020). "The Contexts of Electoral Accountability: Electoral Integrity Performance Voting in 23 Democracies". Government & Opposition 55 (1): 41-63.
  • Katsanidou, Alexia and Ann-Kathrin Reinl (2020). “Populists in Government: Voter Defection and Party Resilience”. Representation 56 (3): 349-366.
  • Nicoli, Francesco and Ann-Kathrin Reinl (2020). “A tale of two crises? : A regional-level investigation of the joint effect of economic performance and migration on the voting for European disintegration”. Comparative European Politics 18: 384-419.
  • Reinl, Ann-Kathrin, Christina Eder and Alexia Katsanidou (2020). “Transnationale Solidarität und Wahlverhalten: Ost- und Westdeutschland im Vergleich.” ISI (65): 22-28.
  • Reinl, Ann-Kathrin and Constantin Schäfer (2020). "How the 2017 Federal Election in Germany Affected Satisfaction with Democracy among AfD Voters". Online first: German Politics.
  • Schmitt, Hermann, Alberto Sanz, Daniela Braun und Eftichia Teperoglou (2020): "It all happens at once: Understanding electoral behavior in second-order elections". Politics and Governance 8 (1): 6-18.
  • Braun, Daniela und Markus Tausendpfund (2019): "Die neunten Direktwahlen zum Europäischen Parlament in Deutschland: Themen und Akteure, Gewinner und Verlierer". Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 50 (4): 715–735.
  • Braun, Daniela und Markus Tausendpfund (2019): Politisches Wissen und Europawahlen. In: Westle, Bettina and Markus Tausendpfund: Politisches Wissen: Relevanz, Messung und Befunde. Wiesbaden, Springer VS: 207-236.
  • Braun, Daniela, Sebastian A. Popa und Hermann Schmitt (2019): "Responding to the crisis: Eurosceptic parties of the left and right and their changing position towards the European Union". European Journal of Political Research 58 (3), 797-819.
  • Braun, Daniela und Tobias Schwarzbözl (2019): "Put in the spotlight or largely ignored? Emphasis on the Spitzenkandidaten by political parties in their online campaigns for European elections". Journal of European Public Policy. 26 (3), 428-445.
  • Neureiter, Michael (2019). "Evaluating the Effects of Immigrant Integration Policies in Western Europe Using a Difference-in-Differences Approach". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (15): 2779-2800.
  • Popa, Sebastian A., Zoltán Fazekas, Daniela Braun und Melanie-Marita Leidecker-Sandmann (2019): "Informing the Public: How Party Communication Builds Opportunity Structures". Political Communication 37 (3): 329-349.
