Publications by Prof. Goetz
Monographs and Edited Collections
- Goetz, K. H. (ed) (2021/22). Oxford Handbook on Time and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, first published online, print publication scheduled for 2022.
- Goetz, K. H., Sindbjerg Martinsen, D. and W. C. Müller (eds) (2021). COVID-19 in Europe: Political Reactions and Consequences, special double issue of West European Politics, Vol. 44 (5-6).
- R. Patz and K. H. Goetz (2019). Managing Money and Discord in the UN: Budgeting and Bureaucracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Goetz, K. H. and B. Rittberger (eds) (2018). Secrecy in Europe, special issue of West European Politics, Vol. 41 (4) (also published as a book).
- Goetz, K. H. and R. Patz (eds) (2017). Resourcing International Organizations, special issue of Global Policy, 8 (Supplement 5).
- Goetz, K. H. and M. Howlett (eds) (2014). Time, Temporality and Timescapes in Administration and Public Policy, special issue of International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (3) (also published in French).
- R. Zubek and K. H. Goetz (eds) (2010). Performing to Type? Institutional Performance in the New EU Member States, special issue of Journal of Public Policy, 30 (1).
- Goetz, K. H. and J.-H. Meyer-Sahling (eds) (2009). The EU Timescape, special issue of Journal of European Public Policy, 16 (2) (also published as a book).
- Goetz, K. H., Mair, P. and G. Smith (eds) (2009). European Politics: Pasts, Presents, Futures, double special issue of West European Politics, 31 (1/2) (also published as a book).
- Dimitrov, V., Goetz, K. H. and H. Wollmann (2006). Governing after Communism: Institutions and Policymaking. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
- K. Dyson and K. H. Goetz (eds) (2003). Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Goetz, K. H. (ed) (2001). Executive Governance in Central and Eastern Europe, special issue of Journal of European Public Policy, 8 (6).
- Goetz, K. H. and S. Hix (eds) (2000). Europeanised Politics? European Integration and National Political Systems, special issue of West European Politics, 23 (4) (also published as a book).
- Goetz, K. H. (ed) (1997). Germany, 2 volumes (The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government). Aldershot: Dartmouth.
- Benz, A. and K. H. Goetz (eds) (1996). A New German Public Sector? Reform, Adaptation and Stability. Aldershot: Dartmouth.
- K. H. Goetz and P. J. Cullen (eds) (1994). Constitutional Policy in Unified Germany, special issue of German Politics, 3 (3) (also published as a book).
- Goetz, K. H. (1992). Intergovernmental Relations and State Government Discretion: The Case of Science and Technology Policy in Germany. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Referred Articles
- Martinsen, D.S., Goetz, K.H. & Müller, W.C. A gendered pattern? Publishing, submission and reviewing in West European Politics. Eur Polit Sci (2022).
- Patz, R., Thorvaldsdottir, S. and K. H. Goetz (2021). “Accountability and Affective Styles in Administrative Reporting: The Case of UNRWA, 1951-2020”, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, advance articles.
- Goetz, K. H. and D. Sindbjerg Martinsen (2021). “COVID-19: A Dual Challenge to European Liberal Democracy”, West European Politics, 44 (5-6), pp. 1003-1024.
- Thorvaldsdottir, S., Patz, R. and K. H. Goetz (2021). “Mandate or Donors? Explaining the UNHCR's Country-Level Expenditures from 1967 to 2016”, Political Studies, online first.
- Willumsen, D., Stecker, C. and K. H. Goetz (2019). “Do Electoral District Size and Diversity Affect Legislative Behaviour?”, Australian Journal of Political Science, 51 (1), pp. 37-64.
- Willumsen, D. and K. H. Goetz (2019). “How Does Staggered Membership Renewal Affect Parliamentary Behaviour? Evidence from the French Senate”, European Political Science Review, 11 (2), pp. 267-284.
- Goetz, K. H. and B. Rittberger (2018). “Secrecy in Europe”, West European Politics, 41 (4), pp. 825-845.
- Willumsen, D., Stecker, C. and K. H. Goetz (2018). “The Electoral Connection in Staggered Parliaments: Evidence from Australia, France, Germany, and Japan”, European Journal of Political Research, 57 (3), pp. 759-780.
- Goetz, K. H. and R. Patz (2017). “Resourcing International Organizations: Resource Diversification, Organizational Differentiation, and Administrative Governance”, Global Policy, 8 (S5), pp. 5-14.
- Willumsen, D. and K. H. Goetz (2017). “Set Free? Impending Retirement and Legislative Behaviour in the UK”, Parliamentary Affairs, 70 (2), pp. 254-279.
- Goetz, K. H. (2017). “Political Leadership in the European Union: A Time-centered View”, European Political Science, 17 (1), pp. 48-59.
- Goetz, K. H. and R. Patz (2016). “Pressured Budgets and the European Commission: towards a More Centralised EU Budget Administration?, Journal of European Public Policy, pp. 1038-1056.
- Goetz, K. H. (2015). “Synchronisation demokratischen Regierens in der Europäischen Union”, Leviathan, Sonderband 30, pp. 132-151.
- Goetz, K. H. and D. Willumsen (2015). “Staggered Political Institutions: Design and Effects”, Journal of European Public Policy, 22 (7), pp. 1040-105.
- M. Howlett and K. H. Goetz (2014). “Introduction: Time, Temporality and Timescapes in Administration and Policy”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (3), pp. 477-492 (also published in French).
- Goetz, K. H. (2014). “Time and Power in the European Commission”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (3), pp. 577-596 (also published in French).
- Goetz, K. H. (2014). “A Question of Time: Responsive and Responsible Democratic Politics”, West European Politics, 37 (2), pp. 379-399.
- Zubek, R. and K. H. Goetz (2010). “Performing to Type? How State Institutions Matter in East Central Europe”, Journal of Public Policy, 30 (1), pp. 1-22.
- Goetz, K. H. (2009). “How Does the EU Tick? Five Propositions on Political Time”, Journal of European Public Policy, 16 (2), pp. 202-220.
- Meyer-Sahling, J.-H. and K. H. Goetz (2009). “The EU Timescape: From Notion to Research Agenda”, Journal of European Public Policy, 16 (2), pp. 325-336.
- Goetz, K. H. and J.-H. Meyer-Sahling (2009). “Political Time in the EU: Dimensions, Perspectives, Theories”, Journal of European Public Policy, 16 (2), pp. 180-201.
- Goetz, K. H., Mair, P. and G. Smith (2008). “Trajectories of European Politics: An Introduction”, West European Politics, 31(1/2), pp. 1-13.
- Goetz, K. H. (2008). “Governance as a Path to Government”, West European Politics, 31(1/2), pp. 258-279.
- Goetz, K. H. and J.-H. Meyer-Sahling (2008). “The Europeanisation of National Political Systems: Parliaments and Executives”, in: Living Reviews in European Governance, 2008.
- Zubek, R. and K. H. Goetz (2007). “Government, Parliament and Law-making in Poland”, Journal of Legislative Studies, 13 (4), pp. 517-538.
- Goetz, K. H. (2006). “Europäisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung – oder europäische Verwaltung?”, in: J. Bogumil et al. (eds) Politik und Verwaltung (PVS-Sonderheft 2006), pp. 472-490.
- Goetz, K. H. (2006). “Europæisierung af den offentlige forvaltning – eller europæisk forvaltning?”, Tidssrkiftet Politik, 9 (1), pp. 28-41.
- Goetz, K. H. (2006). Territory, Temporality and Clustered Europeanization, in: Reihe Politikwissenschaft/Political Science Series, Vienna, Institute of Advanced Studies, Papers 109,
- Goetz, K. H. and H. Wollmann (2001). “Governmentalizing Central Executives in Post-Communist Europe: A Four-Country Comparison”, Journal of European Public Policy, 8 (6), pp. 864-888. Reprinted in B. G. Peters and J. Pierre (eds) (2007) Institutionalism, London: Sage.
- Goetz, K. H. (2001). “Making Sense of Post-Communist Central Administration: Modernization, Europeanization or Latinization?”, Journal of European Public Policy, 8 (6), pp. 1032-1051.
- Wollmann, H. and K. H. Goetz (2001). “The Transformation of Central Executives in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe – Comparing Emergent Configurations”, International Review of Public Administration, 6 (2), pp. 39-49.
- Goetz, K. H. (2001). “British Political Science and the Study of Germany”, German Politics, 10 (2), pp. 184-200.
- S. Hix and K. H. Goetz (2000). “Introduction: European Integration and National Political Systems”, West European Politics, 23 (4), pp. 1-26. Reprinted in H. Wiarda (ed) (2004) Comparative Politics: Critical Concepts in Political Science, London: Routledge.
- Goetz, K. H. (2000). “European Integration and National Executives: A Cause in Search of an Effect?”, West European Politics, 23 (4), pp. 211-231.
- Goetz, K. H. and H. Z. Margetts (1999). “The Solitary Center: The Core Executive in Central and Eastern Europe”, Governance, 12 (4), pp. 425-453. Reprinted in B. Jenkins and E. C. Page (eds) (2004) The Foundations of Bureaucracy in Economic and Social Thought, Volume I, Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
- Goetz, K. H. (1998). “Politique, fonctionnaires et légitimité administrative en Allemagne”, Revue Française d'Administration Publique, Nr 86, pp. 183-194.
- Goetz, K. H. (1997). “Acquiring Political Craft: Training Grounds for Top Officials in the German Core Executive”, Public Administration, 75 (4), pp. 753-775.
- Goetz, K. H. (1996). “Integration Policy in a Europeanized State: Germany and the Intergovernmental Conference”, Journal of European Public Policy, 3 (1), pp. 23-44.
- Goetz, K. H. (1995). “Post-kommunistische öffentliche Verwaltung - Ostdeutschland und Mittel- und Osteuropa im Vergleich”, Yearbook of European Administrative History, Vol. 7, pp. 325-346.
- Goetz, K. H. (1995). “National Governance and European Integration: Intergovernmental Relations in Germany”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 33 (1), pp. 91-116.
- Cullen, P. J. and K. H. Goetz (1994). “Concluding Theses on Constitutional Policy in Unified Germany”, German Politics, 3 (3), pp. 162-178.
- Goetz, K. H. and P. J. Cullen (1994). “The Basic Law After Unification: Continued Centrality or Declining Force?”, German Politics, 3 (3), pp. 5-46.
- Hesse, J. J. and K. H. Goetz (1993). “Public Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe I: The Case of Poland”, Jahrbuch zur Staats- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Vol. 6, pp. 237-282.
- Hesse, J. J. and K.H. Goetz (1993). “Public Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe II: The Case of Czechoslovakia”, Jahrbuch zur Staats- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Vol. 6, pp. 283-323.
- Hesse, J. J. and K. H. Goetz (1993). “Public Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe III: The Case of Hungary”, Jahrbuch zur Staats- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Vol. 6, pp. 325-364.
- Goetz, K.H. (1993). “Rebuilding Public Administration in the New German Länder: Transfer and Differentiation”, West European Politics, 16 (4), pp. 447-469.
- Hesse, J. J. and K. H. Goetz (1992). “Public Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland”, Staatswissenschaften und Staatspraxis, 3 (3), pp. 406-451.
- Hesse, J. J. and K. H. Goetz (1992). “Early Administrative Adjustment to the European Communities: The Case of the Federal Republic of Germany”, Yearbook of European Administrative History, Vol. 4, pp. 181-205.
- Goetz, K. H. (1992) “Federalising Europe? The Costs, Benefits and Preconditions of Federal Political Systems”, Staatswissenschaften und Staatspraxis, 3 (1), pp. 149-167
Book Chapters
- Goetz et al. (2022). "Money and Time", in Knill & Steinebach (eds), International Public Administrations in Global Public Policy: Sources and Effects of Bureaucratic Influence. Taylor & Francis, pp. 169-182.
- Goetz, K. H. (2020). “New Institutional Approaches to the Study of Political Executives”, in R. Andeweg et al. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 45-65.
- Patz, R. and K. H. Goetz (2017). “Changing Budgeting Administration in International Organizations: Budgetary Pressures, Complex Principals and Administrative Leadership”, in C. Knill et al. (eds) International Bureaucracies: Challenges and Lessons for Public Administration Research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 123-150.
- Goetz, K. H. and C. Stecker (2014). “Government at the Centre”, in S. Padgett et al. (eds) Developments in German Politics 4. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 16-34.
- Goetz, K. H. (2012). “Time and the EU”, in: E. Jones et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook on the EU. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 703-715.
- Goetz, K. H. (2010a). “The Development and Current Features of the German Civil Service”, in F. M. van der Meer et al. (eds) Civil Service Systems in Western Europe. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, completely revised 2nd ed., pp. 37- 65.
- Goetz, K. H. (2010b). “The Temporal Dimension”, in K. Dyson and A. Sepos (eds) Which Europe? The Politics of Differentiated Integration. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 67-81.
- Goetz, K. H. (2008). “EU ni okeru seijiteki jikan: Toho kakudai no gabanansu (Political Time in the EU and Enlargement Governance)” in K. Hirashima (ed) Kokkyo wo koeru seisaku jikken: EU (Policy Experimentation Beyond Borders: The EU), Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, pp. 201-228.
- Goetz, K. H. (2007). “Territory and Europeanization”, in P. Graziano and M. Vink (eds) Europeanization: New Research Agendas. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 73-87.
- Goetz, K. H. (2007). “German Officials and the Federal Policy Process: The Decline of Sectional Leadership”, in E. C. Page (ed) The Changing Role of the Civil Service in Comparative Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 164-188.
- Goetz, K. H. (2006). “Power at the Centre”, in P. Heywood et al. (eds) Developments in European Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 73-96.
- Dimitrov, V., Goetz, K. H. and H. Wollmann (2006). “Post-Communist Executives and European Governance”, in G. F. Schuppert (ed) The Europeanisation of Governance. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 93-131.
- Goetz, K. H. and R. Zubek (2006). “Stanowienie prawa w Polsce: reguły legislacyjne a jakość ustawodawstwa [Law-making in Poland: Legislative Rules and Patterns of Legislation)”, in W. Kiezun (ed.) O Naprawie Rzeczpospolitej, Warsaw: Ius et Lex.
- Goetz, K. H. (2005). “The New Member States and the EU”, in S. Bulmer und C. Lequesne (eds) Member States and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 254-280.
- Goetz, K. H. (2005). “Administrative Reform” in S. Green und W.E. Paterson (eds) Governance in Contemporary Germany: The Semisovereign State Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 239-260.
- Goetz, K. H. (2004). “Auswirkungen der europäischen Integration in vergleichender Perspektive”, in H. Siedentopf (ed) Der Europäische Verwaltungraum. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 141-149.
- Goetz, K.H. (2003). “Regierung und Verwaltung”, in L. Helms und U. Jun (eds) Politische Theorie und Regierungslehre. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, pp. 77-96.
- Goetz, K. H. (2003). “The Federal Executive: Bureaucratic Fusion versus Governmental Bifurcation”, in K. Dyson and K. H. Goetz (eds) Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 55-72.
- K. Dyson and K. H. Goetz (2003). “Europeanization Compared: The Shrinking Core and the Decline of ‘Soft’ Power”, in K. Dyson and K. H. Goetz (eds) Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 349-376.
- Goetz, K. H. and K. Dyson (2003). “Living with Europe: Power, Constraint and Contestation”, in K. Dyson and K. H. Goetz (eds) Germany, Europe and the Politics of Constraint. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-36.
- Goetz, K. H. (2003). “Government at the Centre”, in S. Padgett et al. (eds) Developments in German Politics 3. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 17-37 (published in US by Duke University Press).
- Goetz, K. H. (2003). “Executives in Comparative Context”¸ in J. Hayward und A. Menon (eds.) Governing Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 74-91.
- Goetz, K. H. (2002). “British Political Science and the Study of Contemporary Germany”, in J. Grix (ed) Approaches to the Study of Contemporary Germany: Research Methodologies in German Studies. Birmingham: Birmingham University Press, pp. 162-180.
- Goetz, K. H. (2002). “Modernisierung durch Europäisierung? Die deutsche Exekutive im internationalen Vergleich”, in K.-P. Sommermann and J. Ziekow (eds) Perspektiven der Verwaltungsforschung. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 189-199.
- Goetz, K. H. (2000). “The Development and Current Features of the German Civil Service”, in A. G. M. Bekke und F. M. van der Meer (eds) Civil Service Systems in Western Europe. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, pp. 61-92.
- Goetz, K. H. (1999). “Senior Officials in the German Federal Administration: Institutional Change and Positional Differentiation”, in E. C. Page and V. Wright (eds) Bureaucratic Elites in Western European States: A Comparative Analysis of Top Officials in Eleven Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 147-177.
- Goetz, K. H. (1999). “Between Autonomy and Subordination: Bureaucratic Legitimacy and Administrative Change in Germany”, in L. Rouban (ed) Citizens and the New Governance: Beyond New Public Management. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 157-174.
- Goetz, K. H. (1999). “Administrative Reconstruction in the New Länder: The Federal Dimension”, in C. Jeffrey (ed) Recasting German Federalism: The Legacies of Unification. London: Pinter, pp. 85-115.
- Goetz, K. H. (1998). “Wither the Public Bureaucracy State? Postmodernization, Europeanization and the Challenge of Legitimacy”, in C. Amirante und S. Cattaneo (eds) Efficienza, trasparenza e modernizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione in Europe. Rome: Università di Roma, La Sapienza, pp. 159-165.
- Goetz, K. H. (1997). “Le dinamiche intergovernative del processo politico pubblico in Germania”, in B. Dente et al. (eds) Governare con il federalism. Turin: Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, pp. 197-263.
- Goetz, K. H. (1997). “Verwaltungswandel: ein analytisches Gerüst”, in E. Grande und R. Prätorius (eds) Modernisierung des Staates? Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 177-206.
- Goetz, K. H. (1997). “The Study of German Politics and Government: Themes and Arguments (II)”, in K. H. Goetz (ed.) Germany, Vol. II (The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government). Aldershot: Dartmouth, pp. XV-XXV.
- Goetz, K. H. (1997). “The Study of German Politics and Government: Themes and Arguments (I)”, in K. H. Goetz (ed.) Germany, Vol. I (The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government). Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1997, pp. XV-XXXI.
- Benz, A. and K. H. Goetz (1996). “The German Public Sector: National Priorities and the International Reform Agenda”, in A. Benz und K. H. Goetz (eds.) A New German Public Sector? Reform, Adaptation and Stability. Aldershot: Dartmouth, pp. 1-26.
- Goetz, K. H. (1996). “The Federal Constitutional Court”, in G. Smith et al. (eds) Developments in German Politics 2. Basingstoke: Macmillan, pp. 96-116 (published in US by Duke University Press).
- Goetz, K. H. and H. Z. Margetts (1996). “Intergovernmental Relations and Service Quality Initiatives”, in OECD (ed) Responsive Government: Service Quality Initiatives. Paris: OECD, pp. 181-196 (also published in French).
- Goetz, K. H. (1995). “Ein neuer Verwaltungstyp in Mittel- und Osteuropa? Zur Entwicklung der post-kommunistischen öffentlichen Verwaltung”, in H. Wollmann et al. (eds) Transformation sozialistischer Gesellschaften: Am Ende des Anfanges, Leviathan Sonderheft 15, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 538-553.
- Goetz, K. H. (1995). “Kooperation und Verflechtung im Bundesstaat: Zur Leistungsfähigkeit verhandlungsbasierter Politik”, in R. Voigt (ed) Der kooperative Staat: Krisenbewältigung durch Verhandlung? Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 145-166.
- Goetz, K. H. (1994). “La modernizzazione dell'amministrazione tedesca: cambiamenti organizzativi ai livelli federale e statale”, in Y. Mény und V. Wright (eds) La riforma amministrativa in Europa. Bologna: il Mulino, pp. 137-171.
- Goetz, K. H. and D. Schönfelder (1991). “Zum Verlauf der Diskussion”, in: J. J. Hesse und W. Renzsch (eds) Föderalstaatliche Entwicklung in Europa, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 173-187.